Welcome to the international site dedicated to

Saint Expedite

Martyr of Melitene



Saint Expedite, 4th-century martyr from Melitene, now Malatya, Turkey listed by the “Roman Martyrology” on his dies natalis, April 19.

Authentic worship of this saint in the Church is based on a profound thought: we must not procrastinate and postpone to an indeterminate future the decision in favor of virtue.

Purpose of the site HODIENONCRAS.ORG is to clarify what needs to be known about the cult to Saint Expedite Martyr (origin, nature, diffusion) and then to clear the field of various sectarian opinions and falsehoods, built up in the past but still latent, and to highlight what proves its purity and steadfastness, to the satisfaction of devotees and for the serenity of pastors.



The Whorshipping of  Saint Expedite is still well current and vibrant in many nations such as Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Philippines, France, Italy (especially Sicily, Campania and Lombardy), Germany, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Russia, Spain, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela and the United States.

Although there are few churches of which the saint is the owner or co-owner wherever only his image (painting or statue) is present, an intense public devotion also endures; which is expressed with flowers, candles, votive offerings, and cards.

This is not only in small towns, but also in monumental churches in large cities, often with a dedicated chapel; such as: Rome (Santa Maria di Loreto); Madrid (Iglesia de San José); Warsaw (Church of St. Savior); Milan (Church of the Carmine and Church of San Nico- lao); Buenos Aires (Nuestra Señora de Balvanera); Bologna (St. Isaiah); Lisbon (Igreja de São Nicolau and Igreja de Nossa Senhora da Conceição Velha); Seville (Iglesia del Santo Ángel).

On his feast day, processions, novenas and solemn masses are celebrated, many times led by bishops and followed by joyous folk festivities.

Santo Espedito Martire Umberto Angeloni

Collection of texts in English on Saint Expedite

In support of the Cult, were numerous and important panegyrics, often printed in large print runs, along with good homilies, collections of prayers, reports about the spread of the cult, and even a monthly bulletin of the graces obtained. almost all written by littered clergymen, subject to the approval of theological reviewers, and always with the imprimatur of bishops and cardinals.

Hand in hand with the renewed increase in devotion , there is a growing interest of the press and hagiographers, this time all laymen, in Saint Expedite. Much of what is read turns out, however, to be a simplistic rumination of the little that can be found online, while the wealth of good literature on Saint Expedite, which had flourished a century earlier, appears instead unknown to most, nor is there any awareness of the intensity and fecundity attained in the past by the relative cult.Some new texts emerge in value; first and foremost those by female authors. Rich in autobiographical references, they make us appreciate how deep-rooted the devotion to Saint Expedite is among women, and of their role in its development in the family and its transmission through the generations.

One appreciates in each of these writings the focus on what is the most valuable religious value of devotion to Saint Expedite: the urgency of conversion.

And also today, hodie, as an invitation to recognize the kairòs when it is offered to us, that is, the often unexpected but providential opportunity to make the heroic moral choice.


Triduum, Chaplets, Novenas, Rogations, Prayers for received Graces

Since there is no canonical prayer to Saint Expedite, popular piety has created many versions of it over time and in their respective cultures.

A gradual elevation of worship can also be seen in this area.

Central to all the orations is the virtuous concept of the need to make one’s choice for holiness today – dum tempus habemus, operemur bonum [Gal 6:10]. This requires the strength to free oneself from every material and moral bond that is an impediment to grace; so that, “having laid down everything that is a burden to us and the sin that besets us, we run keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus” [Heb 12:1].

Intercessory prayers to Saint Expedite, like those to any other saint, can always concern material needs as well, since “the saints only implore what God wants to be fulfilled through their prayers” [Summa theologICa II-II-11 ad 2].

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